Refund Policy
Learn to Skate Programs (CanSkate, Pre-CanSkate and CanPower Skate)
Refunds may be requested up to 21 days or 3 Weeks from start date. Refund request must be emailed to Attn: Treasurer to be considered. Request will then be sent to the TBSA executive for approval. The Skate Canada fee and Administration fee are non-refundable. Refunds will also be pro-rated based on number of sessions attended.
There will be absolutely no refund of the Skate Canada Fee or the Administration Fee under any circumstance.
Reviewed and Accepted by the Thunder Bay Skating Academy Board of Directors: October 23, 2017
Payment Policy
Membership fees must be paid in full 24 hours prior the first day of skating.
Reviewed and Accepted by the Thunder Bay Skating Academy Board of Directors: May 21, 2018
Skate Canada Code of Ethics
All skaters, officials, coaches, employees, board members, volunteers, alumni and parents and guardians who participate in and observe related Skate Canada activities must ad here to the Skate Canada Code of Ethics. The Skate Canada Code of Ethics can be found Here or by going to the following link :
Reviewed and Accepted by the Thunder Bay Skating Academy Board of Directors: October 16, 2018
All accounts must be paid in full within a week of the first day of skating unless arrangements have been made with the Treasurer.
Each skater must pay the Skate Canada membership and administration fee. These fees are non-refundable.
All fundraising must be participated in.
All skaters must wear a CSA certified helmet in accordance with the Skate Canada Helmet Use Policy implemented on July 1, 2011. More information can be found on the Club’s website.
Skaters who require special needs (i.e. autism, Down’s syndrome) can have a worker or parent present on the ice, provided that worker or parent is registered with Skate Canada.
Reviewed and Accepted by the Thunder Bay Skating Academy Board of Directors: October 16, 2018
NSF Fees and Credit Cards
A $40.00 fee will be issued for all NSF cheques.
A $10.00 fee will be issued for all declined Uplifter transactions.
Reviewed and Accepted by the Thunder Bay Skating Academy Board of Directors: October 16, 2018
Email Protocol
With the increased development and use of electronic communications, the Board will be respectful in their use of such communications regarding business decisions related to that of the Thunder Bay Skating Academy.
The Board members shall communicate via email for the purpose of:
Distribution of minutes and agenda items for meetings/subcommittee meetings
Following up with a request or agenda item to be completed before the next meeting
Feedback regarding a document, promotion, or such that is to be completed before the next meeting
Clarification of an issue or activity that must be completed before the next meeting.
Board decisions shall not be made via email or other electronic communications unless they are of an urgent nature that must be addressed before the next regular scheduled meeting. Board decisions via email shall:
Be addressed to all voting members and the President
Explain the reasoning for the vote, a date to which a decision must be reached, and factual, pertinent information relating to the decision.
Require that if the person proposing the request is a voting member, they must propose the motion and request a seconder
Note any conflicts of interest or abstaining votes by members
Be acknowledged as being passed with enough electronic votes by the President, or in the absence of the President by the Past President.
Board decisions passed at a previous meeting shall not be proposed to be changed, amended or overturned via email.
All communications via email or electronic devices shall be clearly addressed as to whom is to respond or whom the email is intended for by indicating such names in the “To” line.
All others that are not to respond, or just to make people aware should be addressed in the “cc” line.
All Board communications should not utilize the “bcc” line. All electronic communications will be respectfully, well thought out\. Bullying or harassment via electronic communications will not be tolerated and will be addressed accordingly.
All electronic communications should be cc’d to the President. All electronic communications to or by the President should be cc’d to one of the Vice President or Past President.
All electronic communications relating to Board matters will remain confidential as with any discussion that takes place in the realm of the Board setting.
Limited, and only essential personal or sensitive information will be included in electronic communications amongst the Board.
Reviewed and Accepted by the Thunder Bay Skating Academy Board of Directors: October 16, 2018
Criminal Records Check
All Board members shall have a Criminal Records check upon election to the Board. Those Board members finishing their second year term, shall sign a waiver declaration form indicating any changes to the Criminal Records check.
Reviewed and Accepted by the Thunder Bay Skating Academy Board of Directors: October 16, 2018
All coaches must have a contract with the Thunder Bay Skating Academy.
All coaches must be registered with Skate Canada in accordance with their standards.
All coaches are to submit their time sheets for the month by the 5th day of the following month. For example: October’s time sheets are to be submitted by November 5th.
Payroll will be completed by Payroll Express.
Payroll will be automatically deposited into the coach’s bank account by the 10th of the month.
Reviewed and Accepted by the Thunder Bay Skating Academy Board of Directors: October 16, 2018
All information is of the utmost importance to our Club. Some of the information collected during online registration (Skate Canada number, name of skater and email contact) is forwarded to Skate Canada for membership registration. We do not trade, sell or otherwise transfer your personal information to outside parties.
This does not include trusted third parties who assist the Club in the operation of our website and processing of online transactions. All card holder information provided during online registration is collected and handled by a third-party compliant vendor. The Club does not have access to or stores any credit card information.
The email address provided is used for registration processing and to send information/updates above the program registration, volunteer opportunities, or other information of interest to our members.
Reviewed and Accepted by the Thunder Bay Skating Academy Board of Directors: October 16, 2018
Zero Tolerance on Harassment and Bullying
Bullying can be defined, but is not limited to, the activity of unwanted repeated, aggressive behaviour intended to hurt another person, physically or mentally whether it be in person or cyber-bullying.
Cyber-bullying is the use of cell phones, instant messaging, email, chat rooms, or social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to harass, threaten or intimidate someone.
Any club member who intimidates or bullies another member of the Club will be dealt with with in the following sequential steps:
A verbal warning from the Lead Coach or any member of the Board of Directors. The President will be notified of this verbal warning for the Club’s records
The President will create a conflict resolution committee to discuss the situation. They will bring their findings to the Board of Directors, and based on the evidence, a written warning will be issued.
A declaration stating the skater is “a member not in good standing” and the skater is NOT permitted on any ice sanctioned by Skate Canada until permission has been granted by the Board of Directors to return. The skater and parent/guardian (if applicable) must request to meet with the Board of Directors to present their case for reinstatement to the Club
Reviewed and Accepted by the Thunder Bay Skating Academy Board of Directors: October 16, 2018
Social Media Policy
The Club has a Facebook, Twitter and Instagram account. All members of the Board of Directors will have administrator privileges to accounts. These accounts will be used as a general platform of communication to our members and the public. Members and Parents are to refrain from using social media to disrespect or exploit others and the Club.
Reviewed and Accepted by the Thunder Bay Skating Academy Board of Directors: October 16, 2018